A Webinar Series on
“Post – Covid Situation in Electronics Engineering and Skills Expected for Future Growth”
Organized by Department of Electronics Engineering,
PVPIT Budhgaon
(27th – 31st May 2020)
• To create the awareness among students regarding the Post-Covid industry scenario and acquire skills to grab the future opportunities.
The Webinar series was organized by Electronics Engineering department for Students and faculties to create the awareness regarding the Post-Covid industry scenario. Imminent resource persons were invited to deliver the sessions.
Resource Persons:
Mr. Sachin Vanjire, Assistant Manager, Dana Corporation, Pune: Topic: Post-Covid Industry Scenario Mr. Sachin has mainly focused on the bad and good parts of Covid-19 pandemic. He also guided the participants on the skills that must be acquired at the time of graduation to grab the job opportunities. |
Mr. Sushant Tapkire, IT Analyst, TCS, Pune: Topic: Web API Mr. Sushant discussed the concept and the need API for developing the various IT applications. The basic differences between the various programming languages and their significance in IT sector were the key points of his discussions. |
Mr. Amar Samarth, Cloud Practices Head, Tech Mahindra, Pune Topic: Cloud Computing Mr. Amar demonstrated the concept of cloud and cloud practices used by industry now days. He also discussed on the types and applications of cloud. He also agreed to extent the help as well as guide the students to develop cloud related project. |
Mr. Aniket Kulkarni, Assistant Manager, Tata Communications, Pune: Topic: Advancements & Opportunities in Computer Networking Mr. Aniket has started the discussed with need and scope of computer networking. During his presentation he explored the wide scope of networking and data communication. |
Students – 58
Faculty – 07