Degree Computer Science and Engineering : Home

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering was established in the year 2001-2002 with the basic objective of providing skill-based education in the field of Computer Science and Engineering. Right from its inception, the department has been offering well – built infrastructural facilities with different computer platforms for grooming professional students to meet the incessant demands of the IT Industries. The Department strives to produce eminent professional tuned to the real time working environment. To fulfill this objective, the software, hardware and curriculum are updated regularly.

Head of Department

Name: Mrs.Dhokate D.D.
Designation: HOD & Asst. Professor
Mobile : 9764276581

Year of Establishment 2001
UG Started 2001
Contact 9764276581
UG Programme B.Tech. CSE Intake : 120
Duration : 4 Years
Total Number of Classrooms 2
Total Number of Faculty Room 07
Total Number of Laboratories 7
Total Number of Seminar Room 01
Total Number of Tutorial Room 01
Professors NIL
Associate Professors 01
Assistant Professor 11
Total Faculty 12
Supporting Technical Staff 05
Supporting Non Technical Satff 01
Total Number of Publication
(In Last 5 Years)
Total Number of Licence
Total Number of Computers 140
Total Investment 4314567.45
Total Hardware Investment 41,03,374.45
Total Software Investment 2,11,193.00
Total Area 1090.205 SqM (including CCF & Language Lab)
Administrative Area 38.12 SqM
Class Room Area 154.00 Sq.M.
Laboratory Area 462.00 Sq.M.
Departmental Library 59.47 Sq.M.
Technical Aids LCD projectors, Black Boards, White Board,


To prepare students for fulfilling careers in the Information
Technology by providing an excellent educational experience within an engaging,
friendly, learning community.


  • Provide excellence in teaching
  • Develop a community of scholars that includes faculty, staff, students and alumni
  • Provide service to others
  • Respond to the changing demands for trained computing professionals

Quality Policy

Long Term Goals

  • As a lead and pioneering department to give technical education to students especially
    from rural area.
  • To build confident, capable and responsible IT Engineer , by developing his Natural
    skills and talents and imparting him the soft skills.
  • To prepare self reliant IT Engineers who can generate employments for progress and
    development of the region.
  • To establish rapport with the nearby industries for the benefit of the students
    through visits and sponsored projects.

Short Term Goals

  • To start R & D Centre.
  • To sign MOU with Reputed Industries.
  • To start development of Indigenous software for college needs.

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