
Name of teacher who attended

Title of the program

Duration (from – to) (DD-MM-YYYY)


One week Short Training programe on “Research Publication, Copy Right and Patent in Science and Technology”

3/07/2023 to 07/07/2023

National Level Faculty development Programme on “Innovation , Research and IPR Journey Towards Excellence”

1st March 2023-5th March 2023

Two days National seminar on ” R studio And Data Analysis through Excel “

13th and 14th June 2023

NPTEL Online certification “Introduction to Probability and Statistics”

Jan – Feb 2023

One day international Conference on Computational mathematics


International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approach in Basic and applied sciences

23-2-2023 to 24-2-2023


ELT Summit 2022

27 August to 28 August ,2022

English Literature Summit 2023

24 June to 25 June,2023

FDP on Research Ethics on SWAYAM Platform

1/09/2022 to 30/12/2022

FDP on History of English Literature on Swayam Platform

1 July 2022 to 31 Oct, 2022

FDP on ‘Student Centricity in Education’ in Flame Uni. Pune

13 March to 15 March, 2023

Completion of programme Holistic Learning

10-12-23 to 13-12-23


One week Faculty development Program on Innovative Practices In Teaching and Learning Process

19-12-23 to 23-12-23


One week Faculty development Program on Innovative Practices In Teaching and Learning Process

19-12-23 to 23-12-23



Name of teacher who attended

Title of the program

Duration (from – to) (DD-MM-YYYY)


Workshop and Soft Skill Training

29-03-2022 to 31-03- 2022


UGC Sponsored Online Faculty Induction Programme

1-10-2021 to 30-10-2021


One day National conference on “Intellectual property Rights”

March 2021

One day state level webinar on “Fort Culture of Maharashtra”


International E-Conference on Recent Advances In chemical, physical and biological Sciences

29-6-2021 to 30-6-2021

Online Workshop Programme on “The Art Of official communication: How Not to communicate “


Name of teacher who attended

Title of the program

Duration (from – to) (DD-MM-YYYY)



Attended Online Seminar “Role of Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Technology”



AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on ” Computer science & Biology”

18-1-2021 to 22-1-2021


One week online FDP- “Communication skills in English For Teachers “

14-9-2020 to 19-9-2020


One week Online FDP- “Essential Mathematics for Engineers and Researchers”

23-11-2020 to 27-11-2020


Dr. S. L. Patil

Online workshop on UHV “Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education”

19-8-2020 to 23-8-2020



Online Workshop on UHV “Inculcating Universal Human
Values in Technical Education”

12-10-2020 to 16-10-2020


6 days FDP- “Machine Learning & AI “

28-12-2020 to 2-1-2021


International Conference On Recent Advancements in Bio medical Engineering

17-3-2021 to 19-3-2021


Attended state level webinar on “Revised AQAR 2020-21”



National webinar on “Introduction to Virtual Laboratory in chemistry”



Attended Webinar on “Innovation Unlimited”



Attended Webinar on “Study Engineering with learn by doing practices”



Faculty Development Programme on “APPLICATIONS OF MATHEMATICS”

20-7-2020 to 24-7-2020


Mr. A. K. Chavan

NPTEL- AICTE FDP – Postmodernism in Literature

Sep- Nov 2020


NPTEL- AICTE FDP – History of English Language and literature

Sep-Dec 2020


E workshop on SWAYAM MOOC & academic writing



Mr. M. R. Waikar

Online one week faculty development programme on “Next Generations System: Artificial Intelligence and

8-2-2021 to 12-2-2021


Machine Learning”


One day online workshop on “Career Opportunities in Higher Education”



7 Days National Level Workshop on ”BASICS OF PHYSICS”

5-2-2021 to 11-2-2021


Online Teachers Training programme on New Syllabus Changed of B.Sc.-III Physics (CBCS Pattern), Paper-XI DSE-E3





Name of teacher who attended

Title of the program

Duration (from – to) (DD-MM-YYYY)


Online Workshop on UHV “Inculcating Universal Human Values in

23-7-2020 to 27-7-2020

Technical Education”

International Conference on Advances in pure and Applied sciences

5-1-2019 to 6-1-2019

National Seminar On Algebra-2020

14-2-2020- 15-2-2020


“Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education”

18/07/20 to 22/7/2020

‘MOODLE Learning Management System

12/5/2020 to 17/5/2020

FDP on Effective Business Communication

1 /1/2020 to 30/4/2020

Communication Skills for Teacher (Train the Trainer)

14/9/2020 to 19/9/2020


Name of teacher who attended

Title of the program

Duration (from – to) (DD-MM-YYYY)


One day National conference on Advances in Differential equations



Faculty development program on “Student Induction Program”

19th- 25th 2018

4th International Conference on physics of Materials and Materials Based Device fabrication



“Faculty Development Program for Student Induction (FDP-SI)”

17-19 June,2019

Faculty development program on “Student Induction Program”

19th -25th 2018

National Conference on “Empowering Students of Bharat with English for Career Development”

9-2-2018 to 10-2-2018

One week AICTE-ISTE approved STTP on “Innovative Teaching Methodology”

28-5-2018 to 1-6-2018